A big thank you (and a big shot of tequila) to Jean for the fantastic drumming lessons as the class comes to a close... for now anyways... we'll see how long he can resist the call of the drums.
Peter, aka FootballMad... as can be observed by the photo.
Manee (sp?), Mike and Liz.
Stuart, Erik and Vas.
Don't know the name of the first guy :c( , Kate, Mezze, OohLaLa, and Geoff.
Ben, Rana, Chica (gack, forgot her name too), and RRrrrrrrochelle!
Rana, Esoozie, :c(, :c(, Manee.
Ana, the fabulous candle maker !!
Ana and Graham.
Mark and I.
The whole crazy gang ! - Part 1
The whole crazy gang ! - Part 2
A celebratory visit to the pub after class was a pretty standard thing for us.
Jenny and I.