It was a great to have my parents come over to Oz for a month and a half to visit me. We started off right, with a 5 day scuba live-aboard trip in the Great Barrier Reef and the Coral Sea. As you can see, even underwater, they were sporting big smiles.
Dad's showing the jaw bone of the last giant wide mouth frog seen in Queensland. Ok, ok, family joke.
Dad and I.
Mudder and Dad. Looks like you are both doing "OK" !
Us three.
Dad really loved his spot on the dive boat... it just had so much room for his monkeying around.
The boat rocked just a little on the journey back to the mainland.
Here we are going out to get the nautilus traps early in the morning.
The Undersea Explorers boat in all of its glory.
View from the back.
Dad and I on land now...sort of.
Dad and I again, this time being silly in Cairns, QLD.
And we're never silly.
Dad and mudder relaxed and on vacation, showing off their colourful crocs.
Aww, this one's way less formal.
Queensland beach with my mother walking in the distance.
Another gorgeous shot of her and the beach.
The usual random massive pink bikini pinned to a tree on the side of the road.