Next to this toxic river and the vultures is the last place I expected to see such a pristine white heron.
We passed this shrine in Puerto Lopez... the strangest thing about it was the lightbulbs on the ends of the cross.
Back in Quito, I thought I would share some of the places that I frequent. To start, everyone knows the Papayanet, which seems to be the actual center of Gringo land. Note there is also a Banananet and a Choclonet (choclo=corn)!
This Friends Cafe is also great... they serve you free popcorn while you are online... and gosh, they are just, so friendly !
Yes there is a Mr. Frogs Cafe (I bet you this is a knock off from Mexico's Sr. Frogs bars)... but I wasn't impressed. And the "NO" Bar that you see on the right has been great for a mixture of latin pop and techno music. Bars and Discos usually close at 2pm here.
The Green Olive just around the corner is also great fun for a more latino atmosphere with Salsa music and live bands (as is Quito's oldest salsa bar "Mayo 68" located on the other side of the street).
Yes... I pay $2.50 every week to get my laundry done... and I'm not ashamed of it! At 40 cents a pound, why would you do your own laundry!??
Zolcano is a great restaurant bar, which has a very ambient atmosphere and good trance music.
This is a rather appalling example of racism against black folk in Ecuador. This is a fastfood chain which serves menestra, a delicious bean dish originating from the Afro-ecuadorians.
You know I can never resist taking pictures of treats in storefront windows.
And I just can't get over how many of these flame decals/stickers there are on the cars here. They are everywhere! Let's get a designer down here to add some variety!
Remember the $160/mth apmt, I knew there was a catch!... great place, great location... but guess what?! We ended up with the passive aggressive landlady from hell! We are not allowed to cook for our friends in the other apartments across the hall, or use their showers if our water or electricity was not working (which happened frequently based on the landlady's mood). After some of the occupants were smoking next to the gated apmt, this "smokers outside" grafitti showed up, strangely in our landlady's handwriting. We couldn't believe that she would vandalize her own property to try to get her point across. It is just a very silly situation. Ok, I'm done. Thanks for listening. That was good for me!
On a much brighter note... in addition to Nathalie, who came with me to Puerto Lopez, here are some other great people from my spanish school (LA LENGUA) - Veronica, Ligia, and Jenny.