The view from Echo Point at the center of the Blue Mountains was incredible! This is one of three shots in a panoramic series. We're starting out to the right...
...then the center view...
And finally to the left. The Three Sisters, the tourist cornerstone of the Blue Mountains, are found right next to the lookout. They're kind of hard to miss.
There used to be seven sisters.... but four ran away from home. Well, sort of, they eroded away from home... over thousands of years.
So now there's only three. You can't actually climb on them but there are plenty of different lookouts.
Here is a corner of one of the sisters... maybe it's her nose?
As you can see, I'm loving the scenery and especially the great weather!
A closeup shot of some random but fantasticly lit bushes.
Interesting pine cones.
This stairway was indeed giant... it has 1000 steps! And I was glad that all I had to do was climb down. My legs were shaking by the time I got to the bottom.
In many parts, the stairway is very very steep... so going down this staircase on a rainy day is not recommended.
I loved these flowers. They seemed like bright yellow puff balls.
Our hike started at Echo Point (look at the top of the pic to see where echo point is) then all the way down the giant stairway to the "you are here" point, and then over to scenic world (which by the way, was not very scenic). It was a great 4 hour hike.
Hehe, this sign made me laugh.
This massive hollow tree gave us quite an impression.
It was a good thing we were paying attention or we would have missed this step with "1/2 way" at the halfway point of the main hike.
An example of the scenery surrounding the hike. It was really beautiful.