Can you tell we are tourists?? This is Faramarz and I proudly wearing our backpacks with the ever so stylish anti-robbery look.
Faramarz and his girlfriend Sarah.
The usual abundance of fruit and vegetable stands.
Woman selling chickens.
Anyone for a take-out marinaded snail treat? No thanks for me!
People pay pilgrimage to Saints located in glass boxes on street corners.
Selling traditional indigenous clothing.
More traditional indigenous skirts for sale.
You can even buy masks that are made for fiesta. The black one is on sale for $50.
The animal market in Saquisili had lots of different animals for sale, like this little sheep here.
And this trio of llamas...
...and little chicks going for $0.50 each.
Not much room to move in there!
A man carrying a pig by its tail. You should have heard all the squealing.
And, while some put their luggage on top of the bus, other put their livestock. Bet you there are no seatbelts up there!
The market square... selling everything from mirrors, to clothing, to sweetened corn bread.
Truck loads of unrippened plaintains.
And lots of stinky fish!
You can even shop for cross ornaments for graves.
The indigenous women love piling on the necklaces, so there are always a ton of colourful bead necklaces on sale at these markets.
Onsite grain grinder.. for ultra convenience.