..and the gorgeous baby (!!) rotweiler Tarzan.
Here's a quick little tour of the SAE club. Library of books you can borrow and other you can exchange.
Comfy sitting rooms with dangerous couches.
Frog tapestry.
Another sitting/reading room.
Boards where you can send "travel partner" calls to other travellers, or find job opportunities. And lastly, the binders on the left are full of trip reports in Ecuador and Peru mostly of travellers' experiences with specific trips/agencies/hostels/...
The next trip was to El Angel, located at the north end of Ecuador. We stayed in the private reserve of Polylepis Lodge.
This was our wooden cabin.
Inside the wooden bunkbeds definitely had rustic style. Fredrik is demonstrating how comfy the beds are.
Two ponds are located next to the main cabin. Ultimately, they will be filled with trout for fishing.
The lodge's four dogs were great fun! They especially enjoyed sharing the fireplace with us.
This cute puppy was my favourite.
Here is Fernando, the owner/manager/guide, who is taking us around his forest of Frailejones plants.
A scenic shot of the Frailejones flowers.
Frailejones grow one cm every year. Several of the plants from this forest are over 100 years old.
I likened these plants to a strange cross between palm trees, cactus, and rabbit ears.
Bird's eye view.
If you look closely, you can see the fibers that make up the furry texture on these leaves.
This other type of plant is quite typical in the area as well (though I forget its name).
With time, the plant grow this stems... but the real magic comes when it flowers...
The flowers are of the most brilliant and strangest blue hue. Absolutely stunning.